Toxic synovitis

Toxic synovitis

After a long drive home from his grandmother's house, 4-year-old Max began to limp as he got out of the car. He limped on
his left leg for a second, and then quickly shifted his weight to the right leg. He seemed to be in pain. At home
Mother discovered he had a slight fever.

Symptoms such as these may interfere with - especially if they happen suddenly. But in Max's case, there was little reason
for concern. The doctor made the diagnosis of toxic synovitis, a temporary inflammation of the hip which usually goes away
within a week or two.

About Toxic synovitis
Toxic synovitis, also known as transient synovitis is the most common cause of hip pain in children. It is caused by a
Viral infection that sometimes (but not always) consists of the hip joint. The virus causes swelling in the hip joint,
This makes walking painful. Usually only one hip is affected. But later, the virus can pass to the other hip.

Toxic synovitis is more common in boys and affects preschool to early school age children, but younger children may also develop

Sometimes toxic synovitis with septic arthritis, or infectious arthritis, a serious condition caused by confused
a bacterial infection that affects the joints and can cause long-term joint damage. Your doctor can rule out septic
Arthritis or other conditions through a physical examination and diagnostic tests.

When children have toxic synovitis, the pain may come and go or move from one hip to the other. Here are more signs to look

recent history of a viral infection such as a cold or stomach virus
mild fever (up to 101 ° F)
Limping with his toes turned outward, curved or straight, the knee
Walk on tiptoe
(sitting in a car, for example, at a desk or watching TV) is hip ailments that after a long period of immobilization of the affected joint
Knee or thigh pain without pain in the hip
in younger children, crying
in some cases go to a rejection
In infants, the most common signs of toxic synovitis are scrambling and abnormal crying, and she can cry in situations
where their hip joints are moved, how to change diapers.

The first thing a doctor to do is examine your child to check what kind of movement is painful, by the
Knees, hips and other joints. This is to confirm that is limping caused by pain in the hip.

Next, the doctor may order an ultrasound examination of the hip, an imaging test to determine whether it is in the liquid
Hip. Fluid is swelling and inflammation in the tissues. The doctor may also do a blood test to look for
Inflammatory markers, other signs that show the extent of swelling in the hip joint.

In cases where the inflammation marker or appear high fever, and the doctor has difficulty ruling out septic
Arthritis, your child, they must be removed for a liquid culture (laboratory test). The doctor may also perform blood tests
exclude Lyme disease, and X-rays for Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, a progressive disease that causes a loss of
Bone tissue.

Treatment for toxic synovitis usually includes anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen or naproxyn. Your child will
take these drugs for up to 4 weeks last until the inflammation goes away. The doctor may also prescribe medicine for
Pain, such as acetaminophen.

Resting the hip joint is important, and it is best if your child avoids weight on the hip while recovering. Usually
within a day or two of taking the anti-inflammatory medicine, children are able to walk comfortably again. However,
Participation in activities such as physical education or contact sports can wait until your child is fully recovered.

Toxic synovitis usually goes away within a week or two, but can last for 4-5 weeks. Some children have a tendency to develop
toxic synovitis repeatedly during childhood. If these children have colds or viruses, the infection causes inflammation in
their hip joints. If your child has a history of toxic synovitis, let your doctor know.