Swimmer's ear (otitis externa)

Swimmer's ear (otitis externa)

About swimmer's ear
Otitis externa - commonly known as swimmer's ear - is an infection of the ear canal, the passage that carries sounds
from the outside of the body to the eardrum. It can be caused by many different types of bacteria or fungi.

The infection often occurs in children who spend a lot of time in the water. Too much moisture can cause irritation in the ear and
break the skin into the channel, such that bacteria or fungi from entering. For this reason, otitis externa occurs more
often in the summer when swimming is widespread.

But you do not have to swim to get swimmer's ear. Anything that causes a break in the skin of the ear canal can cause a
Infection. Dry skin or eczema, scratching the ear canal, vigorous ear cleaning with cotton swabs or
Inserting foreign objects such as hairpins or clips into the ear can all increase the risk of developing otitis

And if someone has a middle ear infection, pus collected in the middle ear into the ear canal through a hole in drain
the eardrum and cause otitis externa.

Signs and symptoms
The primary symptom of otitis externa is ear pain that can be severe and is worse when the outer part of the ear is
pulled or pushed on. It can also be painful to chew for someone with otitis externa. Sometimes the ear is itchy
before the pain begins.

Swelling of the ear canal, a child of a full or uncomfortable feeling in the ear could sue. The outer ear may
become reddened or swollen lymph nodes around the ear may become enlarged and tender. Some discharge from the ear
Channel is possible, it might clear and then cloudy, yellowish at first, and pus-like.

Hearing could be temporarily affected if pus and debris or swelling of the channel blocks the passage of sound in the
Ear. Fever is typical in most cases, and otitis externa is not contagious.

With over-the-counter drops of a dilute solution of acetic acid or alcohol in the ears after swimming can help
Otitis externa, particularly if a child is susceptible to infection. These drops are available in pharmacies and should only
in children who are not used on ear tubes or a hole in the eardrum.

After the time in the water, children should gently dry their ears with a towel and help water run out by turning their ears
their heads to the side.

To avoid injury to the ear, children should not their ears cleaned. Also, never objects in children's ears,
including cotton swab.

Professional treatment
Treatment of otitis externa depends on the severity of the infection and how much pain the child feels. In most cases,
Your doctor may eardrops containing antibiotics to fight the infection, mixed with a steroid to reduce
Swelling of the ear canal. Ear drops are usually given several times a day for 7 to 10 days.

If the swelling of the ear canal makes it difficult to give the drops, the doctor may insert a wick to help in the channel,
take the medicine in the ear. In some cases, the physician must be taken under slight pus and debris from the ear
Cleaning or vacuuming. Thus the eardrops to work more effectively. For more severe infections, oral antibiotics
can also be specified, and the doctor can create a culture of some of the discharge from the ear to identify which
Bacteria and fungi causing the infection.

Over-the-counter pain relievers can often be used to manage pain, but if the pain is severe, prescription painkillers can
had to be. Once treatment has begun, your child will start to feel better in a day or two. Otitis externa is usually
healed within 7 to 10 days after initiation of treatment.

Home Treatment
Otitis externa should be treated by a doctor. If left untreated, the ear pain is worse and the infection can
to spread. To alleviate the pain until your child sees the doctor, you can against a warm washcloth or heating pad
the affected ear. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen can also help ease discomfort.

At home, follow the doctor's instructions for managing ear drops and oral antibiotics if they are prescribed. It is
important to keep water out of your child's ear during the entire course of treatment. A shower cap provides protection
when showering or bathing, and your doctor may also recommend earplugs.

When to call the doctor
Call your doctor immediately if your child has any of the following: pain in the ear with or without fever, decreased
Hearing in one or both ears, or abnormal discharge from the ear.