Campylobacter infections
May Campylobacter bacteria are usually transmitted in contaminated food or water infect the gastrointestinal tract and
cause diarrhea, fever and cramps. Good hand washing and food safety habits to help prevent Campylobacter infections
(Or campylobacteriosis), which clearly usually treated, except for their own, but sometimes with antibiotics.
Campylobacter infected more than 2 million people per year, and it is one of the most common causes of diarrhea and food poisoning.
Babies under 1 year old, teenagers and young adults are most commonly affected.
Campylobacter found in the intestines of many wild and domestic animals. The bacteria are passed in their feces, which
can an infection in humans via contaminated food, meat taken from contaminated sources (especially chicken), water will
(Or, rivers and streams in the vicinity where animals graze) and dairy products that have not been pasteurized.
Bacteria can be transmitted from person to person when someone comes into contact with feces from an infected
Person, especially a child in diapers. Household pets can carry and transmit the bacteria to their respective owners.
Once infected inside the human digestive system, Campylobacter and attacks the lining of both the small and large
Intestine. The bacteria can also spread to other parts of the body. In some cases - particularly in very young patients
and those with chronic diseases or a weak immune system - the bacteria in the bloodstream (called
In rare cases, campylobacteriosis Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare cause autoimmune disease.
Symptoms usually occur 1-7 days after ingestion of the bacteria. The main symptoms of Campylobacter infection are
And mild to severe diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps. Diarrhea can lead to dehydration, which should be closely
monitored. Signs of dehydration include: thirst, irritability, restlessness, lethargy, sunken eyes, dry mouth and tongue,
dry skin, fewer trips to the toilet to urinate (pee) and (in infants) a dry diaper for several hours.
In cases of Campylobacteriosis, diarrhea that is watery at first, but later may contain blood and mucus. Sometimes the
Diarrhea, abdominal pain seems to be more important than the symptom. When this happens, the infection
Mistaken for appendicitis or a problem with the pancreas.
You can Campylobacter infection by drinking water that is tested and approved for purity, especially in preventing
Developing countries, and by drinking milk that is pasteurized. When hiking and camping, avoid drinking water from
Streams and from sources that pass through land where animals graze.
Kill all bacteria in meat by cooking these foods thoroughly and eat while still warm. Whenever you prepare food,
Wash your hands thoroughly before and after touching raw meat, especially poultry. Clean cutting boards, countertops, and
Dishes with soap and hot water after contact with raw meat.
How to care for a family member who has diarrhea, remember to wash your hands before touching other people in your
Household and before handling food. Clean and disinfect toilets after they are used by the person with diarrhea. Also, if
a dog or cat has diarrhea, wash your hands frequently and check with your veterinarian about treatment.
Your doctor may send a stool sample to the lab to be tested for Campylobacter bacteria. Other laboratory tests may also
required, especially if your child has blood in the stool. If your doctor suspects an infection in the bloodstream
(Bacteremia), a blood culture could be ordered.
Most children with Campylobacter infection recover without medication. Occasionally, a doctor may prescribe a
Antibiotics, especially if the child is very young, or the symptoms are severe or persistent. If your child receives a
Antibiotic, give it to the schedule, as long as the doctor has ordered. Also, do not give nonprescription drugs for
Diarrhea without first checking with your doctor.
After seeing a doctor, most children are treated with Campylobacter infections at home, especially if they show no signs of
seriously dehydrated. You should drink plenty of fluids, take as long as the diarrhea and be monitored for signs
of dehydration.
Children with mild diarrhea and no dehydration should continue to eat normally and increase their fluid intake - but fruit
Can worsen juices and soft drinks diarrhea and should be avoided. If your child is dehydrated, your doctor may recommend
Use of an oral rehydration solution. Babies who are breastfed campylobacteriosis should continue to be breastfed
during the illness.
Diarrhoea usually stops within 2 to 5 days. Full recovery usually takes about 1 week. In about 20% of cases, diarrhea may
longer or return.
When to call the doctor
Call your doctor if your child:
has streaked diarrhea with blood
shows no signs of dehydration
has abdominal pain
has a high fever
With some rest, most children with Campylobacter infection can have a full recovery quickly.