Tetanus, also known as lockjaw, is a serious but preventable disease that affects the muscles and nerves. They
Generally formed from a skin wound by the bacterium Clostridium tetani, which is often contaminated
found in the soil.
When the bacteria are in the body, they produce a neurotoxin (a protein which acts as a poison for the body's nervous system,
System) tetanospasmin the known causes muscle spasms. The toxin can through the body via the bloodstream
and lymphatic system. As it circulates more widely, the toxin interferes with the normal activity of nerves throughout the
Body, leading to generalized muscle spasms. Without treatment, tetanus can be fatal.
In the United States, most cases of tetanus a contaminated cut or deep puncture wound follow, like a wound caused by
Stepping on a nail. Sometimes the injuries are so small the person never sees a doctor. Injuries affecting the dead skin
(How, for example, burns, frostbite, gangrene or bruising) are more likely to cause tetanus. Wounds contaminated by earth,
Saliva or feces - especially if they are not properly cleaned - and skin punctures from nonsterile needles (such as with drugs
Use or self-performed tattooing or piercing) are also at increased risk.
Another form of tetanus, neonatal tetanus, occurs in newborns delivered in unsanitary conditions, especially if
the umbilical cord is contaminated. Before vaccination, neonatal tetanus was much more common in the
United States. Now routine immunizations for tetanus produce antibodies that mothers pass on their unborn babies. This
maternal antibodies and sanitary cord-care techniques newborn tetanus very rare in developed countries.
In fact, in general tetanus rare in the United States and other nations with tetanus vaccination programs - fewer
than 50 cases of tetanus each year in the United States. However, many developing countries have less
effective prevention and immunization against tetanus, so that the disease is much more common.
Signs and symptoms
Tetanus often begins with muscle spasms in the jaw (called trismus) and may be accompanied by difficulty in swallowing and
Stiffness or pain in the muscles of the neck, shoulders or back. These spasms can spread to the muscles of the abdomen,
Upper arms and thighs. The symptoms can occur anywhere from days to months after exposure to the bacteria.
There are two important ways to prevent tetanus:
getting vaccinated against tetanus
after an injury that could cause tetanus, get a shot (post-exposure tetanus prophylaxis)
Tetanus vaccination part of DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis) vaccine. Kids usually
receive a series of four doses of DTaP vaccine two years ago, followed by a booster dose at 4 to 6 years followed.
After that, a booster (Tdap) at 11 to 12 years is recommended, or later, when it was omitted, and then a tetanus and
Diphtheria booster every 10 years through adulthood. Pregnant women should also have a Tdap vaccine with each pregnancy,
even if they have been vaccinated in the past.
Neonatal tetanus can by ensuring that all pregnant women have their tetanus vaccinations are prevented by
Deliveries in hygienic conditions and by proper umbilical cord care. If you are pregnant, discuss your
Vaccination with your obstetrician also before maturity.
And be sure that children do not miss their appointments so that the vaccinations to be given time. As with all vaccinations
Schedules, there are important exceptions and special circumstances. Your doctor will be the latest information.
Post-exposure tetanus prophylaxis also involves getting tetanus shots, but occurs after an injury. Shots will be given
depending on the number of the last booster since the patient, the total number of the patient tetanus vaccinations
is received, and the type of wound. The doctor can give you a tetanus booster (Td, DTaP or Tdap, depending on
Age of the patient and prior immunization) and / or an injection of tetanus immune globulin (TIG) neutralize any toxin
Released by the bacteria.
Each wound skin - especially a deep puncture or a wound that may be contaminated with feces, soil, or saliva - should
cleaned and dressed immediately. Although it is important to clean all wounds, remember that cleaning is not a substitute
for immunization.
Physicians play an important role in the prevention of tetanus by making sure children vaccinations are up to date and providing
Post-exposure prophylaxis, when a child has a wound that is at risk for tetanus.
One child develop the tetanus, which will be treated in a hospital, usually in the intensive care unit (ICU). There is a child
Normally receives antibiotics against bacteria and TIG to kill to the toxin that the bacteria neutralize already been released.
The child will also receive medications to control muscle spasms and can support specific treatment to vital body functions
When to call the doctor
If you are not sure if your children were immunized against tetanus, or if you know that they are not fully immunized,
call your doctor. If there had been more than 10 years ago that someone in your family has a tetanus booster, schedule a
Visit the office to get vaccinations up to date.
If the case of a flat tire or other deep wound, clean the wound and call the doctor to discuss whether your child should
receive post-exposure prophylaxis of tetanus. If your child develops lockjaw or muscle spasms - particularly after
Keeping a wound - seek medical attention immediately.