Fever and take your child's temperature
You've probably experienced waking up in the middle of the night to your child flushed, hot and sweaty. Your little one's forehead feels warm. They immediately suspect that a fever, but are unsure what to do next. Should you get out the thermometer? Call the doctor?
In healthy children, fevers usually do not indicate anything serious. Although it frightening when your child the temperature rises, fever itself causes no harm and may even be a good thing - it's often the body's way of fighting infections. And not all fevers need to be treated. High fever, however, a child may uncomfortable and worsen problems such as dehydration.
Here's more about fevers, how to measure and treat them, and when you go to the doctor.
Fever Facts
Fever occurs when the body's internal "thermostat" raises the body temperature above its normal level. This thermostat is in the part of the brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus knows what temperature your body should be sent (usually around 98.6 ° F/37 ° C) and messages to your body to keep it that way.
Most people's body temperature a little change in the course of the day: It's a little deeper can usually in the morning and a little higher in the evening and fluctuate as kids run around, play and exercise.
However, sometimes the hypothalamus, "reset" the body to a higher temperature in response to an infection, illness or any other reason. Why? Researchers believe it, the heat is causing the body's way of fighting the germs that cause infections and making the body less comfortable place for them.
Causes of fever
It is important to remember that fever by itself is not a disease - it is usually a symptom of a deeper problem.
Fever has a few possible causes:
Infection: Most fevers are caused by infections or other diseases. A fever helps the body fight infections by stimulating natural defense mechanisms.
Over Dressing: Infants, especially newborns, may get fevers if they or in a hot environment are bundled over, because they know not regulate their body temperature as well as older children. However, since fever may indicate a serious infection in newborns, and children who are overdressed must be evaluated by a doctor if they have a fever.
Vaccinations: Babies and children sometimes a slight fever after getting vaccinated.
Although teething may cause a slight rise in body temperature, it is probably not the cause if a child's temperature is higher than 100 ° F (37.8 ° C).
When fever is a sign of something serious
In the past, doctors advised treating a fever on the basis of temperature alone. But now they recommend considering both the temperature and a child's general condition.
Children whose temperatures are lower than 102 ° F (38.9 ° C) often require no medications if they are uncomfortable. There is one important exception to this rule: If you have a child 3 months or younger with a rectal temperature of 100.4 ° have F (38 ° C) or higher, call your doctor or go to the emergency room immediately. Even a slight fever can be a sign of a potentially serious infection in very young infants.
If your child is between 3 months and 3 years old and has a fever of 102.2 ° F (39 ° C) or higher, call your doctor to see if he or she needs to see your child. For older children, take into account behavior and activity. Watching how your child behaves you give a pretty good idea of whether a minor illness is the cause or if your child should be seen by a doctor.
The illness is probably not serious if your child:
is still interested in playing
will eat and drink well
is awake and smiling
a normal skin color
looks good when its temperature is
And do not worry too much about a child with fever who do not want to eat. This is very common cause of infection, fever. For kids who still drink and urinate normally do not eat as much as usual is OK.
Is there a fever?
A gentle kiss on the forehead or hand is placed lightly on the skin often enough to give you an indication that your child has a fever. However, this method, in which a temperature-dependent (as tactile temperature) of the person doing the feeling and does not give an accurate measure of the temperature.
Use a reliable thermometer, a fever that if a child is to confirm the temperature at or above one of these levels:
measured orally (in the mouth): 99.5 ° F (37.5 ° C)
rectally measured (in the bottom): 100.4 ° F (38 ° C)
measured in an axillary position (under the arm): 99 ° F (37.2 ° C)
But how high the fever is not tell you much about how your child is sick. A simple cold or other viral infection can sometimes cause a rather high fever (in the 102 ° -104 ° F/38.9 ° -40 ° C range), but this is usually not a serious problem. And could cause a serious infection no fever or even an abnormally low body temperature, especially in infants.
Because fever may rise and fall, a child might have chills as the body tries to generate additional heat when its temperature begins to rise. The child may sweat as the body releases extra heat when the temperature starts to fall.
Sometimes with fever, children breathe faster than usual and have a higher heart rate. You should call the doctor if your child has difficulty breathing, is breathing faster than normal, or continues to breathe fast after the fever comes.
Types of thermometers
Whatever you choose, thermometer, be sure you know how to use it properly in order to get an accurate measurement. Hold and follow the manufacturer's recommendations for each thermometer.
Digital thermometers usually provide the quickest and most accurate readings. They come in many sizes and shapes and are available in most supermarkets and pharmacies in a range of prices. You should follow the instructions of the manufacturer to determine what the thermometer is designed for and how it signals that the reading is complete.
Total digital thermometer can be generally used for this temperature-taking methods:
orally (in the mouth)
rectal (bottom)
Axillary (under the arm)
Turn on the thermometer and make sure the screen is free of any old readings. Digital thermometers typically have a plastic, flexible probe having a temperature sensor on the tip, and an easy to read digital display on the opposite end. If your thermometer uses disposable plastic sleeves or covers, put one on according to the manufacturer's instructions. Remember to discard the sleeve after each use and clean the thermometer according to the manufacturer's instructions before it. Again into the sheath
Electronic ear thermometers measure the tympanic temperature - the temperature inside the ear canal. Although they are quick and easy to use in older babies and children, they are not as accurate as digital thermometers for infants 3 months or younger and are more expensive.
Plastic strip thermometers (small plastic strips that you press against the forehead) may be able to tell you whether your child has a fever, but are not reliable for taking an exact measurement, especially in infants and young children. If you need your child to know the exact temperature, plastic strip thermometers are not the way to go.
Forehead Thermometer may also be able to tell you if your child has a fever, but are not as accurate as oral or rectal digital thermometer.
Pacifier thermometers may be convenient, but again, their readings are less reliable than rectal temperatures and should not be used in children younger than 3 months. They also require children to keep the pacifier in his mouth to move for several minutes without, this is an almost impossible task for most babies and toddlers.
Glass mercury thermometers were once common, but now health experts say they should not be used because of potential exposure to mercury, an environmental toxin. (If you have a mercury thermometer, do not just throw it in the trash where the mercury can leak. Talk to your doctor or your local health department about how and where to dispose of a mercury thermometer.)
Tips for temperatures
As any parent knows, can squirming child's temperature be difficult under a. But it is one of the most important tools doctors have to determine whether a child has a disease or infection. The best way to stand out on a child's age and temperament.
For children younger than 3 months, you will be the most reliable reading using a digital thermometer to take a rectal temperature get. Electronic ear thermometers are not recommended for infants younger than 3 months because their ear canals are too small in general.
For children from 3 months to 4 years old, you can use a digital thermometer, a rectal temperature or an electronic ear thermometer to take the temperature inside the ear canal. You can also use a digital thermometer to take an axillary temperature, although this is a less accurate method.
For children from 4 years, you can usually use a digital thermometer to take an oral temperature if your child together. However, children who have frequent coughing or breathing through the mouth because stuffy noses might not be able to keep their mouths closed long enough for an accurate oral reading. In these cases, you can use the tympanic method (with an electronic ear thermometer) or axillary method (with a digital thermometer).
To take a rectal temperature: Before parents, most people cringe at the thought of a rectal temperature. But do not worry - it is a simple process:
Lubricate the tip of the thermometer with a lubricant such as Vaseline.
Place your child:
- Belly-down on your lap or on a firm, level surface and hold your palm along the lower back
- Or face-up with legs bent on the chest with his hand against the back of the thigh
With your other hand, insert the lubricated thermometer into the anal opening about ½ inch to 1 inch (about 1.25 to 2.5 centimeters) or until the tip of the thermometer into the rectum is complete. Stop when you feel resistance.
Steady the thermometer between your second and third fingers as you cup your hand against your baby's bottom. Soothe your child and speak quietly as you hold the thermometer in place.
Wait until the appropriate number of beeps or other signal that the temperature is ready for reading hear. Note the number on the screen, noting the time at which you took the reading.
To take an oral temperature: This process is very easy in an older, cooperative child.
Wait 20 to 30 minutes after your child stopped eating or drinking to take an oral temperature, and make sure there's no gum or candy in your child's mouth.
Place the tip of the thermometer under the tongue and ask your child to close his or her lips around it. Remind your child not to bite or to talk and relax and breathe normally through the nose.
Wait until the appropriate number of beeps or other signal that the temperature is ready for reading hear. Note the number on the screen, noting the time at which you took the reading.
To take an axillary temperature: This is a convenient way to take a child's temperature. Although not as accurate as a rectal or oral temperature in a cooperative child, some parents prefer to take an axillary temperature, especially for children who do not comply can take a thermometer in her mouth.
Remove your child's shirt and undershirt, and place the thermometer under an armpit (it must be touching skin only, not clothing).
Fold your child's arm across the chest to hold the thermometer in place.
Wait until the appropriate number of beeps or other signal that the temperature is ready for reading hear. Note the number on the screen, noting the time at which you took the reading.
Whichever method you choose, keep these additional tips:
Never take a child's temperature right after a bath or if he or she has been bundled tightly for a while - that can affect the temperature measurement.
Never leave a child unattended while taking a temperature.
Helping Kids Feel Better
Again, not all fevers need to be treated. And in most cases, a fever should be treated and only if it causes a child discomfort.
Here are ways to treat the symptoms, often to relieve a fever:
If your child is fussy or appears uncomfortable, you can paracetamol or ibuprofen to the package recommendations for age or weight. (Unless instructed by a doctor, never to a child due to its association with Reye's syndrome, a rare but potentially fatal disease. Aspirin) call if you do not know the recommended dose or your child is younger than 2 years old, you doctor to find out how much to give.
Infants under 2 months old should not medicines for fever, given evaluated by a doctor without. If your child has any medical problems, with the doctor to see, check out what best to use drugs. Remember that fever medication will usually temporarily bring a temperature down, but not back to normal - and it will not treat the underlying cause of the fever.
Dress your child in lightweight clothing and cover with a light sheet or blanket. Over and over dressing bundling can body heat can escape and can lead to a temperature rise.
Make sure your child's room is a comfortable temperature - not too hot or too cold.
While some parents use tepid sponge baths to lower fever, there is no evidence to support this method. In fact, sponge baths, making children uncomfortable. Never use alcohol (it can be toxic if absorbed through the skin) or ice packs / cold baths (they can chills, can increase the body temperature).
Bring plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration - a fever will cause a child to lose fluids faster. Water, soup, ice pops, and flavored gelatin are all good choices. Avoid caffeinated drinks, including colas and tea, because they can cause increased urination.
If your child has vomiting and / or diarrhea, ask your doctor if you should made especially for children, an electrolyte (rehydration) solution. You can find these solutions at drugstores and supermarkets. Do not offer sports drinks - they are not designed for younger children, and the sugar can make diarrhea worse. In addition, your child's intake of fruits and apple juice limit.
Generally, you can eat your child what he or she wants (in reasonable quantities), but not to eat with violence if your child does not feel like it.
Make sure your child plenty of rest. Stay in bed all day is not necessary, but a sick child should take it easy.
It is best to keep a child with fever from school or child care. Most doctors believe that it is safe to return, when the temperature was normal for 24 hours.
When to call the doctor
The exact temperature that should trigger a call to the doctor depends on the age of the child, the illness, and whether there are other symptoms. Fever with the
Call your doctor if you have:
Infant younger than 3 months old with a rectal temperature of 100.4 ° F (38 ° C) or higher
older child with a temperature of more than 102.2 ° F (39 ° C)
Call the doctor if an older child has a fever of less than 102.2 ° F (39 ° C), but also:
refuses fluids or seems too ill to drink adequately
has persistent diarrhea or repeated vomiting
has no signs of dehydration (urinating less than usual, not having tears when crying, less alert and less active than usual)
has a specific complaint (eg sore throat or earache)
still has a fever after 24 hours (in children younger than 2 years) or 72 hours (in kids 2 years or older)
has recurrent fevers, even if they only last a few hours per night
has a chronic medical problem such as heart disease, cancer, lupus, or sickle cell anemia
has a rash
Has pain when urinating
Seeking emergency care if your child shows any of these signs:
inconsolable crying
extreme irritability
Lethargy and difficulty waking up
Rash or purple spots that look like bruises on the skin (that were not there before the child is ill)
blue lips, tongue, or nails
Infant's soft spot on the head seems to be bulging outward or sunken inside
stiff neck
severe headache
Limpness or refusal to move
Deleted breathing, not better if the nose is
leaning forward and drooling
Abdominal pain
Also, ask your doctor for his or her specific guidelines when they call about a fever.
Fever: A Common Part of Childhood
All children get a fever, and in the majority of cases are most completely back to normal within a few days. For older infants and children (but not necessarily for children younger than 3 months), the way they act much more important than the reading on your thermometer. Everyone gets cranky when they have a fever. This is normal and to be expected.
But if you're ever in doubt about what to do or what a fever might mean, or if your child is acting ill in a way that concerns you, even if it ask no fever, always call your doctor for advice.