My 3 year old son is learning to do many things alone. Now is the time to start leaving him to brush his own teeth?
- Erin
It is ok to him to practice brushing your teeth before or after you brush, but children are not required on the motor skills at this age to do a good job brushing on their own. Most children do not develop these skills up to 6 or 7 years. Even then, you may still need to monitor.
When brushing, use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. Make sure your son spits out the toothpaste after brushing and not swallowed. When you are finished, have him rinse his mouth with water.
If he wants to his own practice, make sure he wipes all surfaces of both the upper and lower teeth, as well as his tongue and gums.
If you have questions or concerns about your son's teeth, talk to his doctor or dentist.