

About mumps
Mumps is a disease which affected many parts of the body through saliva and can carry a virus that usually spreads,
especially the parotid salivary gland. These glands that produce saliva in the mouth, are found in towards the back
each cheek, in the area between the ear and jaw. In cases of mumps swell, these glands typically and painful.

The disease has been known for several centuries, and medical historians argue over whether the name "mumps" comes
from an old word for "lump" or an old word for "mumble."

Mumps was common until the mumps vaccine was licensed in 1967. Before vaccination, more than 200,000 cases occurred per
Year in the United States. Since then, the number of cases has dropped to fewer than 1,000 per year, and epidemics have
quite rare. As in the pre-vaccine era, most cases of mumps are still children aged 5-14, but the proportion of
young adults who became infected is rising slowly over the last two decades. Mumps infections are rare in children
younger than 1 year old.

After a case of mumps it is very unusual to have a second round because of an attack of mumps almost always gives lifelong
Protection against another. But other infections can also cause swelling in the salivary glands could lead to a
Parent to mistakenly think a child had mumps more than once.

Signs and symptoms
Cases of mumps can begin with a high temperature of up to 103 ° F (39.4 ° C), as well as headache and loss of appetite. The well-
known hallmark of mumps is swelling and pain in the parotid gland, so that the child will resemble a hamster with food in its
Cheeks. The glands usually always swollen and painful over a period of 1-3 days. The pain is worse when
the child swallows, talks, chews, or drinks acidic juices (eg, orange juice).

Both the left and right parotid glands may be affected, with one side swelling a few days before the other, or only a
Side may swell. In rare cases, mumps will attack other groups of salivary glands instead of the parotid glands. If this
happens, swelling may be found under the tongue, under the jaw, or all the way up to the front of the chest.

Mumps can lead to inflammation and swelling of the brain and other organs, although this is not common. Encephalitis
(Inflammation of the brain) and meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain and the spinal cord) are both rare
Complications of mumps. Symptoms may start in the first week after the parotid gland to swell include high
Fever, stiff neck, headache, nausea and vomiting, drowsiness, convulsions and other signs of brain involvement.

Mumps in adolescent and adult males can result in the development of orchitis, an inflammation of the testicles.
Usually one testicle becomes swollen and painful about 7-10 days after the parotid glands swell. This is accompanied by a high
Fever, chills, headache, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain that is sometimes mistaken for appendicitis when
the right testicle is affected.

After 3-7 days, testicular pain and swelling subside, usually at about the same time that the fever passes. In some
Cases involved both testicles. Even with involvement of both testicles, sterility is a rare complication of

Mumps can additionally on the pancreas or, in women, the ovaries, what about the pain and tenderness in parts

In some cases, the signs and symptoms are so mild that no one suspects a mumps infection. Doctors believe that about 1 out of 3
People may have a mumps infection without symptoms.

The mumps virus is contagious and spreads in tiny drops of fluid from the mouth and nose of someone who is infected. They
may to others through sneezing, coughing, laughing or even passed. The virus can also spread to other people through
direct contact, such as picking up tissues or using drinking glasses that were used by the infected person.

People who have mumps, which are most contagious from 2 days before symptoms begin to 6 days after the end. The virus can also be
spread by people who are infected but have no symptoms.

Mumps can be prevented by vaccination. The vaccine is given as part of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) immunization,
the usually given for children aged 12-15 months. A second dose of MMR is generally administered at 4-6 years.
As is the case with all immunization schedules, there are important exceptions and special circumstances. For example, a
Child, the vaccine should be traveling outside the United States as early as 6 months of age receive.

If they have not already received it, should students attending colleges and other post-high school institutions
be sure they have two doses of the MMR vaccine.

During a measles outbreak, your doctor may recommend additional shots of the vaccine if your child is 1-4 years old.
Your doctor will be the latest information.

The incubation period for mumps can be 12-25 days, but the average is 16-18 days.

Children usually recover from mumps in about 10-12 days. It takes about 1 week for the swelling to disappear in each
Parotid gland, but both swollen glands not usually simultaneously.

If you think your child has mumps think, call your doctor, who can confirm the diagnosis and to monitor with you
Child and clock for complications. The doctor may also inform the health authorities to keep track of childhood
Immunization programs and mumps outbreaks.

Since Mumps is caused by a virus, it can not be treated with antibiotics.

At home to monitor and keep track of your child's temperature. You can nonaspirin fever medications such as
Acetaminophen or ibuprofen reduce fever. These drugs will also help relieve pain in the swollen parotid gland
Glands. If instructed by the physician, aspirin should not be used in children with viral diseases, since their use in
such cases has been associated with the development of Reye's syndrome, which can lead to liver failure and death.

You can also soothe the swollen parotid glands with either warm or cool packs. Serve a soft, bland diet that does not
require much chewing and encourage your child to drink plenty of fluids. Avoid serving tart or acidic fruit juices
(How orange juice, grapefruit juice or lemonade) that make parotid pain worse. Water, caffeine-free soft drinks and
Tea are better tolerated.

Mumps is the testicles, the doctor may prescribe stronger medication for pain and swelling and provide
How to warm or cool packs are valid for the area and how to provide additional support for the testicles to calm down.

A child with mumps does not need to stay in bed, but can play quietly. Ask your doctor about the best time for your child
go back to school.

When to call the doctor
Call the doctor if you suspect that your child has mumps. If your child has been diagnosed with mumps, retain its
or her temperature and call the doctor if goes over 101 ° F (38.3 ° C).

Since mumps and around the brain and its membranes, call a doctor immediately if your child has any of these
Symptoms: neck stiffness, convulsions (seizures), extreme drowsiness, severe headache or mental status changes. Pay attention to
Abdominal pain can mean involvement of the pancreas either boys or girls, or involvement of the ovaries in girls.
In boys, watch for high fever with pain and swelling of the testicles.