Cat Scratch Disease
About Cat Scratch Disease
Cat scratch disease, a bacterial infection that causes swelling of the lymph nodes is usually due to the reason, lick,
or a cat bite - more than 90% of the people who had contact with cat behalf or kitten.
Bartonella henselae, the bacterium that causes this disease is found in all parts of the world. In the United States,
about 22,000 cases are diagnosed each year, more often in the fall and winter and usually in children, probably because
they are more likely to play with cats and be bitten or scratched.
Fleas spread the bacteria between cats, although there is no evidence that fleas transmit the disease to humans. The
Bacteria live in infected cats' saliva but do not make the animals sick, in fact, kittens or cats may carry the bacteria
for months.
Experts believe that almost half of all cats a Bartonella henselae infection at some time in their lives, which
are more likely to be infected younger than one year old.
Signs and symptoms
Most people with cat scratch disease remember a cat, but often can not remember receiving a scratch or a bite.
A bubble or a small bump develops several days after the bite or scratch, and may be mistaken for a bug bite. This
Vaccination is a blister or bump lesion (a wound at the location where the bacteria in the body), and it is very
commonly found on the arms and hands, head, or scalp. These lesions are usually not painful.
Usually close within a few weeks of a scratch or bite, one or more lymph nodes in the area of vaccination
Lesion is swollen and tender. (Lymph nodes are round or oval-shaped organs of the immune system, often
called glands.) For example, if the vaccination lesion on the arm, the lymph nodes will swell in the armpit or elbow.
These often appear swollen lymph nodes in the armpits or neck area, but if the lesion is on the vaccination
Leg, the nodes will be affected in the bar. They range in size from about ½ inch to 2 inches in diameter and can
a larger area surrounded by the swelling of the skin. The skin over these swollen lymph nodes can be warm and red,
and occasionally the lymph nodes drain pus.
In most children swollen lymph nodes are the main symptom of the disease and the disease is often mild. If people have other
general symptoms, they might include fever (usually less than 101 ° F or 38.3 ° C), fatigue, loss of appetite, headache,
Rash, sore throat, and a general ill feeling.
Atypical cases occur but are not common. In such cases, could someone of the liver, spleen, bone infections,
Joints or lungs or a lingering high fever without other symptoms. Some receive an inflammation of the eye (Parinaud oculoglandular
Syndrome) with symptoms such as a small sore on the conjunctiva (the membrane lining the inner eye or eyelid), redness
of the eye, and swollen lymph nodes in front of the ear. Others may develop inflammation of the brain or seizures,
although this is rare. All these complications Cat scratch disease usually resolve without long-term illness.
Cat scratch disease is not contagious from person to person. The bacteria are the scratch or bite a widespread
infected animal, usually a kitten. They can also be transmitted when the animal saliva into contact with an eye, or
through broken skin. Sometimes several cases occur in the same family, usually through contact with the same infected
With a series of cat-scratch disease usually makes people immune for the rest of their lives.
If you are concerned about cat scratch disease, you do not need to get rid of the family dog. The disease is relatively
rare and usually mild, and a few steps can help you limit your kids chances of contracting it.
Teaching children to avoid stray cats or unknown sources reduce their exposure to the bacteria. In order to reduce the risk
The disease from a family pet or familiar cat should avoid rough play with children all the pets so that they can avoid
scratched or bitten. Have your family members wash their hands after handling or playing with a cat.
If your child is scratched by a pet, wash the injured area thoroughly with soap and water. Keeping the house and your pet
free of fleas reduces the risk that your cat could become infected with the bacteria in the first place.
If you suspect that someone caught cat scratch disease from your pet, do not worry that your cat needs to be
(put to sleep) euthanized. Talk to your veterinarian about how to treat the problem.
Incubation period and duration
It usually takes 3-10 days for a blister or small bump at the site of a scratch or bite appear. Swollen glands
begins about 1 to 4 weeks later.
The vaccination lesion where the bacteria in the body usually takes 1-3 weeks to heal. The swollen lymph nodes
disappear within 2 to 4 months, although occasionally take much longer.
Doctors usually diagnose cat scratch disease related to a child's history of exposure to a cat or a kitten and a physical
Exam. During the examination, the doctor will scratch or bite of a cat for signs and look swollen lymph nodes. In some
Cases, doctors use to help laboratory tests, the diagnosis, including:
Blood tests and cultures to rule out other causes for swollen lymph nodes
a blood test that is positive for cat scratch disease
shows a microscopic examination of lymph nodes removed, the symptoms of cat scratch disease
Most cases of cat scratch disease resolve without treatment. Rarely does a swollen lymph node is so large and
painful that the doctor may recommend removing fluid from the node with a needle and syringe.
Antibiotics are often used to treat the disease. If your doctor has prescribed antibiotics, you give your child
on schedule and for as many days as prescribed.
Kids with cat scratch disease need not be separated from other family members. Bed rest is not necessary, but can
help when a child is tired quickly. If your child feels like playing, encourage quiet play while being careful to avoid
swollen lymph nodes hurt. To facilitate node sore, try warm, moist compresses or give your child nonprescription medicines
such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
When to call the doctor
Call the doctor if your child has swollen or painful lymph nodes in any area of the body. And always call your
Doctor if a child is bitten by an animal, especially if:
was the bite or scratch of a cat and the wound does not seem to be healing
an area of redness around the wound keeps expanding for several days
the child developed a fever that lasts for a few days after receiving the scratch or bite
If your child has already been diagnosed with cat scratch disease, call the doctor if your child has a high fever, many
of pain in a lymph node, seems very ill or develops new symptoms.