

About Hepatitis
The word simply means an inflammation of the liver hepatitis without locating a specific cause. Someone with hepatitis

have one of several problems, including a viral or bacterial infection of the liver
causing injury to the liver caused by a toxin (poison)
have liver damage caused by interruption of the normal organ blood supply
will experience an attack by his or her own immune system caused by an autoimmune disease
have experienced abdominal trauma in the field of liver
Hepatitis is most commonly caused by one of three viruses:

Hepatitis A virus
The hepatitis B virus
The Hepatitis C virus
In some rare cases, the Epstein-Barr virus (which causes mononucleosis) can also result in hepatitis because it can cause
Inflammation of the liver. Other viruses and bacteria can cause hepatitis, including hepatitis D and E, chickenpox, and
Cytomegalovirus (CMV).

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A (also known as infectious hepatitis) is a common form of hepatitis in children. It is caused by the hepatitis A
Virus (HAV), which is in the stool (feces or feces) of infected people. Infected chair could be found in small
Amounts in food and on objects (such as doorknobs and diapers). Hepatitis A can remain in the stool for several months
after the first illness, especially in young babies and children.

HAV is spread:

when someone swallows everything with HAV-infected stool (makes for the virus to spread in contaminated it easy
crowded, unsanitary living conditions)
in water, milk and food (especially shellfish)
Because hepatitis A can be a mild infection, especially in children, maybe some people do not know they have it.
HAV can cause prolonged illness up to 6 months, but usually causes only short-lived, mild disease. It causes
chronic liver disease. In mild cases, symptoms may be similar to a stomach virus (with vomiting and diarrhea).

Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B (serum hepatitis also) is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). HBV, a wide range of
Symptoms of mild disease and general malaise to more serious chronic liver disease that can lead to
Liver cancer.

HBV spreads by:

infected body fluids such as blood, saliva, semen, vaginal secretions, tears and urine
a contaminated blood transfusion (this is uncommon in the United States)
shared contaminated needles or syringes for injecting drugs
sexual activity with an HBV-infected person
Transmission of HBV-infected mothers to their newborn
Hepatitis C
The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is spread by direct contact with an infected person's blood. The symptoms can be very similar
those of hepatitis A and B. But can lead to chronic liver disease and infection with HCV is a leading cause of
Liver transplantation in the United States. Chronic HCV infection is associated with liver cancer.

HCV is more common in adults than in children. In children, it is often through transmission from the mother to her acquired
Newborns. It can also be spread by:

Sharing drug needles and intranasal drug use (snorting drugs)
a tattoo or piercing with unsterilized instruments
Blood transfusions or organ transplants (particularly before 1992, since then, the U.S. blood supply and donated organs
routinely screened for hepatitis C)
sexual contact (although this is less common)
Hemodialysis (especially before 1990)
Rarely, people with an infected person to contract HCV by article that this person might contain the blood,
such as razors, toothbrushes, scissors.

All of these viral hepatitis conditions can be diagnosed by blood tests.

Liver function tests may be used to determine how well the liver is working or if it is damaged. Sometimes a liver
Biopsy (the removal of a small sample of liver tissue for examination) is done to continue to check for organ damage. A liver
Biopsy can also help doctors choose the best treatment.

Ultrasound or CAT scans to check for any progression of cancer, especially in chronic HBV and HCV infection.

Signs and symptoms
Hepatitis, in its early stages, may experience flu-like symptoms, including:

Discomfort (malaise)
Muscle pain
Abdominal pain
Loss of appetite
Morning sickness
Throw up
Jaundice (a yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes)
But some people with hepatitis have no symptoms and may not know they are infected. Children with hepatitis A, for
For example, typically have mild or no symptoms.

If hepatitis progresses, the symptoms begin to show the liver as the source of the disease. Chemicals normally secreted
begin by the liver, build up in the blood, which leads to:

a bitter taste in the mouth
dark or "tea-colored" urine
white, light, or "clay-colored" stools
Abdominal pain may occur, which are centered below the right ribs (over a tender, swollen liver) or under the
left ribs (over a tender spleen).

Hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C are infectious.

The hepatitis A virus spreads through contaminated food or water, and unsanitary conditions in child care
Facilities or schools. Toilets and sinks can be used by an infected person should be cleaned with antiseptic cleansers. People
who live with or care for someone with HAV should wash their hands after contact with the infected person. Additional
before traveling to countries where HAV is common, children should receive at least two doses of hepatitis A vaccine.

The hepatitis B virus can be found in almost all body fluids, though its main routes of infection are through sexual
Contact, contaminated blood transfusions and shared needles for drug injections. Household contact with adults with HBV
can put people at risk for hepatitis. But this can reduce frequent hand washing and good hygiene practice

All children in the United States are routinely vaccinated against hepatitis B at birth and the use of hepatitis B vaccine
greatly reduce the risk of infection. Ask your doctor about this vaccine. Even adults can be vaccinated if they
feel they are in danger.

The hepatitis C virus can be shared by drug needles, contaminated blood products, and less frequently spread
sexual contact. It can spread from the mother to the fetus during pregnancy, but the risk is about 5%. If you are pregnant,
contact has your doctor if you think you can exposed to hepatitis C

In recent years, improved medical technology has nearly the risk of catching hepatitis difference
contaminated blood products and blood transfusions. But as tattoos and acupuncture have become more popular, the risk of
Development of hepatitis improperly sterilized equipment has increased. Shared needles during drug use and shared straws in
intranasal drug use (snorting) are two very common ways for hepatitis C spread.

For viral hepatitis, the incubation period varies (the time it infects a person, after being exposed)
depending on the hepatitis virus causes the disease:

Hepatitis A: 2 to 6 weeks
Hepatitis-B-4 to 20 weeks
Hepatitis C: 2 to 26 weeks
Hepatitis A is active for a short period in the Rule and again, a person can no longer the virus to
other. It is very rare that someone has a chronic carriers of hepatitis A. Almost all previously healthy people who are
develop hepatitis A will completely recover in a few weeks or months without long-term complications.

With hepatitis B, 85% to 90% of patients recover completely from their disease within 6 months with no long-term

However, 75% did not fully recover to 85% of those who are infected with hepatitis C, and are more likely to continue
a long-term infection. People with hepatitis B (the percentage of can not recover completely) or hepatitis C
continue to be infected, go on to develop chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis (chronic degeneration and
Disruption of the structure of the liver). Some people with hepatitis B or C can also lifelong support they are
Viruses and can spread to others.

In general, to prevent viral hepatitis should:

Follow good hygiene and avoid crowded, unhealthy living conditions.
Be extra careful, especially when drinking and swimming, if you are traveling to areas of the world where sanitation is poor
and water quality is uncertain.
Never shellfish from waters contaminated by sewage.
Remind everyone in your family to wash their hands thoroughly after using the toilet and before eating.
Use antiseptic cleaner, every toilet, sink, potty chair or bed pan from someone in the family who used clean developed
Because contaminated needles and syringes are a major source of hepatitis infection, it is advisable to promote drug
Programs to raise awareness in your community and schools. Open at home with your children and often talk about the dangers of drugs
use. It is also important to promote abstinence and safer sex for young people, to protect them from infection by hepatitis
sexual contact.

A hepatitis A vaccine is older for anyone aged 12 months or. In the past, it was recommended only for those
with a high risk for infection (eg, those who lived or traveled to areas with high HAV in there), but is now available
for all the immunity against HAV. If you want to go, ask your doctor in advance so you and your family have time
to complete all the required vaccinations. The HAV vaccine is also for staff of child care facilities or schools in which useful
it may be a risk of exposure.

The hepatitis B vaccine given to children and adults as part of the routine vaccination.

Unfortunately there is no vaccine against hepatitis C - studies show that it is not possible, because the virus
not lead to the type of reaction for a vaccine to be successful needs.

Hospitalization may be necessary if symptoms are severe or laboratory tests indicate liver damage. Here is a quick look at
treatments for the various hepatitis viruses:

No drugs are used to treat hepatitis A because there is a short-term infection that goes away on its own.
Chronic hepatitis B can sometimes be treated with medication. Various medications are approved for use in adults. Most are
not approved for use in children, but some are used in selected cases. Not all patients with hepatitis B required
The treatment of chronic hepatitis C has improved with the use of two drugs, interferon and
Ribavirin, often used in combination.

Other treatments and medications are approved for use in adults who are sometimes in children based on a research vessel were approved
or if a child shortly before adulthood. Not all patients benefit from treatment, and the treatments also page
Effects. To discuss all options with your doctor is the best.
Children with mild hepatitis may be treated at home. Except to the bathroom, they should in bed until the rest
Fever and jaundice are gone and her appetite is normal. Children with a lack of appetite should try smaller, more frequent
Foods and liquids that are high in calories (like milkshakes). You should also eat healthy foods rich in protein and
Carbohydrates and drink plenty of water.

When to call the doctor
Call the doctor if your child:

has symptoms of hepatitis
to school or daycare, where someone has hepatitis
was exposed to a friend or relative with the disease were
If you have an older child who volunteers at a first-aid station, hospital or nursing home, be sure that he or she is
aware of proper safety precautions to prevent contact with blood or body fluids. You might want to have your child
immunized against hepatitis A and B. Call your doctor if you think your child to a patient were exposed

If you already know your child has hepatitis, call your doctor if you notice any of the following symptoms, which may
Signs of liver problems condition:

Confusion or extreme sleepiness
Also monitor your child's appetite and digestion, and call the doctor if your child takes the appetite, or
if nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or jaundice increase. Make sure your doctor before you talk to your children about all-
the-counter medications or herbal remedies, because some can aggravate the condition.