

Dengue fever is a tropical disease caused by a virus transmitted by mosquitoes. The virus can cause fever, headaches, skin rashes,
and pain throughout the body. Most cases of dengue fever are mild and go away on their own after about a week.

Dengue fever rarely meets in the United States (the last cases were reported in Texas in 2005), but if you plan
travel to a foreign country - especially one in the tropics - it is advisable to protect against dengue fever. Wear insect
repulsive, for bedrooms with power and avoiding the outdoors at dusk (when mosquitoes are most
active) can help reduce the chance of infection.

About Dengue Fever
Dengue (DEN-gee) fever is spread by four similar viruses by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes, which are common causes
tropical and subtropical areas.

When a mosquito Aedes a person who has been infected with a dengue virus bites, the mosquito can be a carrier of the
Virus. If this mosquito bites someone else that person can be infected with dengue fever. The virus can not spread
directly from person to person.

Many children with dengue fever no symptoms, while others have symptoms that appear anywhere from 4 days to 2 weeks
after bitten by an infected mosquito. Symptoms usually last 2-7 days. Once children have had the disease, they
immune to the particular type of the virus (though they are still infected by one of the other three species).

In rare cases, dengue fever lead to more severe forms of the disease. These conditions, called dengue hemorrhagic
Fever and dengue shock syndrome, can lead to shock and death and need immediate medical treatment.

Signs and symptoms
In the past, dengue fever as "breakbone fever" that might give you an idea of ​​the symptoms can it was known -
that is, when a person ends with no symptoms. The fever is not actually break any bones, but it can
sometimes feel like it is.

Common signs and symptoms of dengue fever are:

high temperature, possibly as high as 105 ° F (40 ° C)
Pain behind the eyes and in the joints, muscles and / or bone
severe headache
Rash over the major part of the body
mild bleeding from the nose or gums
Bruising easily
The symptoms are usually mild in younger children and those who are infected with the disease for the first time. Older
Children, adults, and those who have had a previous infection can cause moderate to severe symptoms.

People with dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome will have the regular symptoms of dengue fever for 2-7
Days. After the fever subsides, other symptoms worse and can cause more serious bleeding, gastrointestinal problems such as
Nausea, vomiting, or severe abdominal pain and respiratory problems such as difficulty in breathing.

If left untreated, dehydration, severe bleeding and a rapid drop in blood pressure can (shock) occur. These symptoms are
life-threatening and require immediate medical help.

If your child has any symptoms of dengue fever, call a physician immediately. You should also contact a doctor if your child
has been to a region, the dengue fever and developed a fever or severe headache recently.

To make a diagnosis, your child's doctor will examine and evaluate the symptoms. The doctor will ask about your child
History and recent travels, and send a sample of your child's blood will be tested for the disease.

No specific treatment for dengue fever. Mild cases can be treated by it plenty of fluids to prevent
Dehydration and plenty of rest. Painkillers with acetaminophen can be connected for the treatment of headache and pain
with dengue. Analgesics containing aspirin or ibuprofen should be avoided because they can make bleeding more likely.

Most cases of dengue fever go away within a week or two and causes no lasting problems. If someone is serious
Symptoms of the disease, or if the symptoms get worse in the first day or two after the fever goes away immediately
medical care. This could be an indication of dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome, the immediate needs

To treat severe cases of dengue fever in a hospital, doctors will provide intravenous (IV) fluids and electrolytes
To replace (salts), the fluids lost through vomiting or diarrhea. This is usually enough to effectively treat the disease,
as long as fluid replacement therapy begins early. In advanced cases, doctors may need to perform a transfusion
Replace lost blood.

In all cases of dengue infection, regardless of how severe symptoms are, efforts should be made to keep the infected
Person, which stung by mosquitoes. This will help prevent the disease from spreading to others.

There is no vaccine to prevent dengue fever, so if children are living in or visiting areas where dengue fever is
likely, is the only way to protect them from the disease to minimize their chances of being bitten by an infected Aedes

In such cases, the following precautions:

Use screens on doors and windows, and promptly repair broken or damaged screens. Keep unscreened windows and doors closed.
Have children wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, shoes and socks when they go outside, and use mosquito net over
their beds at night.
Use as directed on your child's insect repellent. Choose a repellent with DEET or oil of lemon eucalyptus.
Limit the time children spend outdoors during the day, especially during the hours around dawn and dusk, when mosquitoes
are most active.
Do not give mosquitoes to breed varieties. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in water, so get rid of standing water in things like
be and used tires, and sure to change the water in birdbaths, dog bowls and flower vases at least once
With these precautions, and you keep your children away from areas that have a dengue fever epidemic, the risk of
contracting dengue fever is small for international travelers.